Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Foods to help lessen stress

Reach for these items next time you're feeling under pressure, under the weather, or just too close to that breaking point. Munching on these stress-free foods will help pull you back into the game.

A German study in Psychopharmacology found that vitamin C helps reduce stress and return blood pressure and cortisol to normal levels after a stressful situation. Vitamin C is also well-known for boosting your immune system. 

Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes can be particularly stress-reducing because they can satisfy the urge you get for carbohydrates and sweets when you are under a great deal of stress. They are packed full of beta-carotene and other vitamins, and the fiber helps your body to process the carbohydrates in a slow and steady manner. 

Dried Apricots
Apricots are rich in magnesium, which is a stress-buster and a natural muscle relaxant as well. 

Almonds, Pistachios & Walnuts
Almonds are packed with B and E vitamins, which help boost your immune system, and walnuts and pistachios help lower blood pressure. 

Turkey contains an amino acid called L-tryptophan. This amino acid triggers the release of serotonin, which is a feel-good brain chemical. This is the reason why many people who eat turkey feel relaxed, or even tired, after eating it. L-Tryptophan has a documented calming effect. 

A deficiency in magnesium can cause migraine headaches and a feeling of fatigue. One cup of spinach provides 40 percent of your daily needs for magnesium. 

Diets high in omega-3 fatty acids protect against heart disease. A study from Diabetes & Metabolismfound that omega-3s keep the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline from peaking. 

The monounsaturated fats and potassium in avocados help lower blood pressure. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute says that one of the best ways to lower blood pressure is to consume enough potassium (avocados have more than bananas). 

Green Vegetables
Broccoli, kale, and other dark green vegetables are powerhouses of vitamins that help replenish our bodies in times of stress. 

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Using a Natural Pain Relief Creams to Eliminate Physical Discomfort

Living with pain is one of the most debilitating experiences that anyone can go through. However, there are many ways to lessen or entirely eliminate this pain. One such way is with pain relief cream.

When you’re combating the pain in your life, natural pain relief remedies are a good direction to turn in. There are many natural ingredients that can be taken directly from plants and turned into a supplement or cream that can be used to ease your pain. Here are a few of the ingredients that can be found in natural creams.

Ginger extract, for example, can relieve muscle pains, arthritis and rheumatism. It can also be used to improve the potency of other herbs and has been proven effective in the healing of muscle strain, headaches, rheumatism and sore throat for centuries. Pain relief cream that makes use of ginger is usually applied near the joints like a salve in order to increase its potency.

Turmeric is also a natural ingredient and one of the most powerful natural pain relievers that is currently available on the natural medicine market. It is an herb in the ginger family that contains curcumin as an active ingredient. The curcumin in turmeric and turmeric extract is what provides this ingredient with the health benefits that it is known for, which include properties of anti-inflammation and pain reduction. It can also reduce irritation in patients with sensitive stomachs and people who suffer from diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome.

Rosemary extract can be used topically for joint or musculoskeletal pain relief. It can also boost mental activity, help soothe respiratory problems and stimulate hair growth.

There are many other types of plants and herbs that can be used in natural remedies. Since natural health care is on the rise, pain relief cream that uses these ingredients is also gaining popularity and use in the recent years. Additionally, since topical ointments and creams generally have fewer side effects than pills or draughts taken by mouth, it can also be a good way to receive all of the benefits of your pain reliever of choice without as many of the potential draw-backs.

Living with pain can be difficult and tiresome, but with the right medicinal aids in your life, you can reduce or even entirely eliminate this pain. There are many methods available for you to try, and pain relief cream is one of them. If you or a loved one is suffering from chronic or even temporary pain, and you would prefer to turn to natural medicine as opposed to drug store pain killers, natural pain relief may be the right option for you.

Anti-Aging Food

Here are some of the best anti aging food that will assist your body drive away the damage incurred due to aging. Include them into daily and weekly meal plans to get you the nutrients, antioxidants and other vital substances that will help fight signs of aging.


Avocados top the list of anti aging food, not just because they are just so delicious but Of course, avocados are full of healthy fats to perk up your cholesterol level.


Fish is great resource of omega-3s and, one really needs to have them more frequently in their meal; but, possible mercury contamination of fish has got people scared off the sea foods. That is where walnuts come in to rescue. Now turn to walnuts as they are great resource of omega-3 essential fatty acids and more importantly free from mercury. Two for a day is enough to provide you sufficient quantity of omega-3 needs.

Green Vegetables

Agreed! You already know this, and there are so many people who recommend it, it is pretty boring to talk about vegetables. We need to pay attention to it. In fact; recently, I was reading an interesting research, which says that if country could get 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables every day, very soon we could see a huge decrease in heart related diseases, cancer, high blood pressure and many more. So cheers to veggies and those who are not "consider veggie in your food." Focus on leafy or deeply colored vegetables for the most benefit.


It has been said so many times that you may want to skip it. Water is good for you, although there is some disagreement on the thought of tons of water is really good idea but still nobody ever had problems if taken excessively, so no harm making water as your primary drink altogether. At least you would not be consuming the unnecessary calories and water is free from any chemicals. Is not it good idea?


Berries are known to good source of antioxidants and other compounds necessary to repair and control the damage caused by aging. Above all; you can not resist the great taste of berries, but make sure your skip sauces and sugars from it. Enjoy it in its purest form.

Green Tea

Green tea has long been recognized as longevity supplement in various parts of Asia. Green tea is definitely a good addition to your daily life. As it contains high concentrations of anti oxidants that body demands for.


Beans are good source of healthy protein and antioxidants. it Would not be exaggeration if we say, beans are a wonder food. Some researchers have opinion that animal protein may cause many complications as we age. reason why, Switching to a vegetarian diet is demand of the day and better for your heart and arteries. Beans should be part of our healthy vegetarian diet. Even If one does not want to go all the way to vegetarianism, you could begin with few courses of veggie meals a week with bean-based entrees.


Not many remember melon while naming their favorite fruit and I really feel sad for such a wonderful fruit having best nutritional profile of all the fruits. Melons are pulpy, full of vitamins and minerals. Include this pulpy food in your daily diet and for sure, sooner or later you will be reaping lots of health benefits from them.


Last but not the least; dark chocolates have made their way into our list because of its balanced fat and tons of other benefits. Unlike other chocolates, it does not harm your body; meanwhile, it provides various healthy substances that your body needs. Mostly, dark chocolates are loaded with high calories, so, recommended to have little square every day.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Chiropractic help for your body

I started seeing a Chiropractor in my home town for a number of reasons. Neck and back pain, hand pain from too much computer use. I've gone to him for about a week now and I already feel the benefits of his treatments.

There are still many people who do not understand all the benefits that a chiropractic doctor can provide or how they can actually help you to improve your overall health. While even the traditional medical community are beginning to understand the benefits that doctors of chiropractic can provide to the medical field as a whole, many average citizens still look on chiropractors and chiropractic treatment with suspicion. There seems to be a lack of understanding on just how chiropractic treatment can be of benefit. For those who want to become informed about What chiropractic medicine can do for you here are the 5 most important benefits you can receive from a chiropractic care giver.

1. Increase Immune System Function. Perhaps the biggest benefit that chiropractic care has to offer is that it can improve your immune system. Since a healthy immune system is necessary to maintaining your overall health improving the function of this system is a huge benefit to your health. Studies have shown that people who use chiropractic care regularly have fewer colds and when they do the symptoms are less severe.

2. Helps to Manage Pain. Chiropractic care can also help you to manage your pain by helping to locate and correct serious nervous system stress, strengthen your muscles surrounding your nerves and advising you on the proper care of your body.

3. Can Increase Your Range Of Movement. By helping you to manage and control your pain and strengthen your muscles chiropractic treatment can often help to increase your range of movements following an accident or injury. Chiropractors will work with you to find exercises that will continue to aid you in recovering all or most of the range of movements you had before the injury or accident.

4. Avoid The Harmful Side Effects Of Many Drugs. Since chiropractic care is based on natural care they can help you avoid the use or overuse of pain medications and other drugs that often have serious side effects and can increase your health issues. The fewer drugs you take the less dangers await you down the road.

5. Get The Right Medical Attention You Need. Since chiropractic medicine deals with your overall health and well being a chiropractor often discovers health problems or conditions that are outside his realm of training. When this happens your chiropractor will refer you to a medical professional who can help you deal with these needs, helping to ensure your continued good health.

A chiropractic doctor is just one of the options available for those of you who are concerned about your health.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

10 Anti-Inflammatory Foods

1. Kelp

  • KelpAnti-Inflammatory Agent: Kelp such as kombu contains fucoidan, a type of complex carbohydrate that is anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor and anti-oxidative. A few studies on fucoidan in recent years have found promising results in using the brown algae extract to control liver and lung cancer and to promote collagen synthesis. The high fiber content of kelp also helps to induce fullness, slow fat absorption and promote weight loss. But whenever possible, get only organic kelps harvested from unpolluted sea.
    Sidekicks: Need another good reason to re-visit your favorite Japanese restaurants? Besides kombu, wakame and arame are also good sources of fucoidan. A marine vegetable native to the Tongan Islands called limu moui is also a fucoidan powerhouse.
    Arch-Enemy: Seaweed snack. Go easy on seaweed snacks as they can be heavily salted and coated with a thick layer of vegetable oil. Check the ingredients list before buying.

2. Turmeric

  • TurmericAnti-Inflammatory Agent: This Asian spice commonly found in pre-mixed curry powder contains a powerful, non-toxic compound called curcumin. Studies found that turmeric’s anti-inflammatory effects are on a par with potent drugs such as hydrocortisone and Motrin, but yet having none of their side effects.
    Sidekicks: Ginger. This relative of turmeric is also highly prized around the world for its anti-inflammatory benefits, and are used to expel cold and relieve motion sickness and vomiting.
    Arch-Enemy: Sugar. It can hardly be called a spice, but the widespread use of sugar rivals that of any spice and has led to a host of illnesses linked to this additive condiment. A diet high in sugar is decidedly inflammation-promoting and should be controlled.

3. Wild-Caught Salmon

  • Wild Alaskan SalmonAnti-Inflammatory Agent: Salmon is an excellent source of EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), two potent omega-3 fatty acids that douse inflammation. The benefits of omega-3 have been backed by numerous studies and they range from preventing heart disease and some cancers to reducing symptoms of autoimmune diseases and psychological disorders. Be sure to include some oily fish such as wild Alaskan salmon in your diet twice a week. Alternatively, you can also get omega-3 fatty acids from high quality fish oil supplements such as this one that I recommend and use myself.
    Sidekicks: Anchovies, mackerel and sardines are also rich sources of omega-3 fats. Flaxseeds and walnuts also supply omega-3 fats called ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) which can be converted into EPA and DHA inside the body. But the conversion has been found to be low, and hence they may not be reliable sources of EPA and DHA.
    Arch-Enemies: Polyunsaturated vegetable oils. You may be surprised to see polyunsaturated oil (like those from safflower, soybean, corn and sunflower) listed here, but polyunsaturated fats have been found to be unstable and easily damaged by oxygen. High consumption of omega-6 fatty acids, present in higher amount in polyunsaturated oil, have also been linked to inflammatory response in the body, leading to heart disease and cancer. While omega-6 is important to health, the key is to balance your omega-6 and omega-3 intake so that you don’t end up becoming a factory for pro-inflammatory compounds.

4. Shiitake Mushroom

  • ShitakeAnti-Inflammatory Agent: Enjoyed by the Chinese and the Japanese since ancient times, shiitake mushroom is revered for its immune-boosting properties and its mild smoky taste.
    Sidekicks: Maitake, enoki, oyster mushrooms. There is no better way to fight cancer and enhance your health than to feast on a plate of stir-fried medicinal mushrooms. Yummy!
    Arch-Enemy: Deep-fried mushrooms and vegetables. Throwing fresh mushrooms and vegetables into a big pot of boiling oil will not only soak up lots of cancer-causing compounds from the overheated oil, their healing powers will also be greatly diminished by the high temperature.

5. Green Tea

  • Green TeaAnti-Inflammatory Agent: The flavonoids in green tea are potent natural anti-inflammatory compounds that have been shown in numerous studies to reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer.
    Sidekicks: Water. What can be more cleansing for the body than zero contamination water?
    Arch-Enemy: Processed cow’s milk. Non-organic milk carries antibiotics and growth hormone residues that can irritate immune system when they are consumed long-term. Many people, especially those in the East, also cannot digest milk properly, causing distress to the digestive tract.

6. Papaya

  • PapayaAnti-Inflammatory Agent: Coined by Christopher Columbus as the ‘fruit of the angels’, papaya contains papain, a protein-digesting enzyme. Together with other nutrients such as vitamin C and E, papain helps to reduce inflammation, and improves digestion and healing from burns.
    Sidekicks: Pineapple. A tropical fruit worthy of mention, pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme that aids in the healing of indigestion, sports injury, trauma and other kinds of swelling. Extracts of bromelain have also proven to be as effective as some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and are used in a number of natural anti-inflammatory supplements for arthritis.
    Arch-Enemy: Preservative-laden fruits. Dried fruits can contain high levels of chemicals such as sulphur dioxide, a preservative which has been linked to increased respiratory disease. Eat fresh fruits whenever possible, but if you must opt for the dried form, make sure it’s preservative-free.

7. Blueberry

  • BlueberryAnti-Inflammatory Agent: An antioxidant powerhouse, blueberry is high in phytonutrients that confer anti-inflammatory protection against many diseases such as cancer and dementia.
    Sidekicks: Blackberries, cranberries, strawberries and raspberries. These berries are comparable alternatives to blueberries and are equally high in antioxidants. So start feasting on one type of berries each week.
    Arch-Enemy: Berries with pesticides. Insects and fungi love berries as much as we do. So berries are often sprayed with pesticides to ward off diseases and pests. To make matter worse, it is hard to wash away pesticides from berries due to their size. So it is safer to opt for organic or wild crafted version as much as possible.

8. Extra Virgin Olive Oil

  • Extra Virgin Olive OilAnti-Inflammatory Agent: Virgin olive oil is Mediterranean’s secret to longevity. Its rich supply of polyphenols protects the heart and blood vessels from inflammation. The monounsaturated fats in olive oil are also turned into anti-inflammatory agents by the body that can lower occurrences of asthma and rheumatoid arthritis.
    Sidekicks: Avocado oil. Also known as alligator pear, avocado produces oil that has a fat composition similar to olive oil, containing high heart-beneficial monounsaturated fats. But, it has an even higher smoke point than olive oil, making it the ideal oil for cooking.
    Arch-Enemy: Partially hydrogenated vegetable oil. This commercial oil contains trans-fatty acids that lowers the ‘good’ cholesterol and raises the ‘bad’ ones — a shortcut to contracting cardiovascular disease.

9. Broccoli

  • BroccoliAnti-Inflammatory Agent: Broccoli is a highly nutritious vegetable that contains anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer phytonutrients such as sulforaphane which helps the body to get rid of potentially carcinogenic compounds.
    Sidekicks: Cauliflower. A close relative to broccoli, this cruciferous vegetable also contain similar goodness as broccoli that aids the body’s detoxification.
    Arch-Enemies: Nightshades vegetables. Tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, bell peppers and others are classified as nightshade vegetables, which contain high alkaloid — a substance that may affect the joints, nerve-muscle function and digestion in some individuals. If you are suffering from any of these problems, you may want to try cutting down on the consumption of nightshades vegetables.

10. Sweet Potato

  • Sweet PotatoAnti-Inflammatory Agent: Sweet potato is often overshadowed by other exotic vegetables and fruits. But it is also a good source of complex carbohydrate, beta-carotene, manganese, vitamin B6 and C as well as dietary fiber. Working in concert, these nutrients are powerful antioxidants that help to heal inflammation in the body.
    Sidekicks: Spinach. This dark green leafy vegetable is such a rich source of anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative flavonoids and carotenoids that it’s almost impossible to believe. But it’s true. And here’s only a partial list: Vitamin A, B2, B6, C, E, K, calcium, folate, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium and tryptophan. But be sure to buy organic ones whenever possible as it’s also among the foods on which pesticide residues have been most frequently found.
    Arch-Enemies: Processed potatoes. Although potato is a good source of vitamin C and other minerals, potato chips and french fries aren’t. Commercially processed potatoes are usually prepared in overheated polyunsaturated or hydrogenated oils, and are loaded with high amounts of sugar and salt, increasing the risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes for anyone who munches on them.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Benefits of DHEA

I've been taking this vitamin and I feel better! Here is more information.


DHEA is a steroid hormone that is made by the adrenal glands. Your body converts DHEA to sex hormones which are important for optimal health. Peaking when adults are in their 20s, DHEA levels decline as we age. If you are 40 or older, you should assume that you are deficient in DHEA.
A deficiency can lead to problems with immune function, inflammation problems and an increased risk of heart problems and even certain cancers. You've probably heard a lot of hype about DHEA being and anti-aging supplement. Therefore, it is important to know the real benefits of DHEA.

Taking DHEA

There have been many studies done on DHEA that show it to have many benefits. Most studies are based on a dose of 50 mg per day. However, the dose you need could vary from 15 to 75 mg a day divided into three doses, taken a half hour before meals. It should be noted that extremely high doses of DHEA have been linked to liver damage as a side effect, however, you would need to take 20 times the recommended dose to do such damage.
Men who are considering supplementation should be sure to test for prostate cancer first. Studies have shown various results in men with prostate cancer, so if you have it, be sure to consult with your healthcare provider before you begin supplementation.
About six weeks after you have started supplementation, you should take a blood test to determine your levels. You may be able to reduce the amount you are taking, or you may discover that you need more. In either case, it is a waste to take if you are not taking the correct dose for your body.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Holistic Healing Classes: Subjects of Study

Today, holistic healing classes are offered in simple learning platforms such as holistic seminars, workshops and in public community centers. As well, holistic healing classes may be more comprehensive in nature and integrated into certificate, degree and continuing education programs.

Students who desire to become holistic health practitioners can take holistic healing classes in healing alternatives, wellness and detoxification, energy medicine, mind-body-spirit medicine, and introductory Chinese herbal medicine. Others may elect to pursue holistic healing classes to become a spiritual healer. Certificate courses in this particular field of study involve studies in theology, prayer, mantra and meditation, spirituality, and other metaphysical subject matter.

Holistic healing classes in acupuncture may lead to a diploma, certificate or degree. Depending on the alternative health school in which you enroll, there are various holistic healing classes that are drawn from Oriental medicine philosophy and practices. While some holistic healing classes may be more geared toward needless techniques, such as acupressure, moxibustion, cupping and Chinese medical massage, other courses may involve more in-depth instruction in Tai Chi, Qi gong, acupuncture needling methods, TCM, herbal medicine, Chinese medical terminology and more.

A number of holistic healing classes entail studies in holistic divinity, animal healing, shamanic journeys, reiki, nutrition and supplements, essential oils, flower remedies, herbology, hypnotherapy, iridology, among others. In addition, there are very popular holistic healing classes that are centered on massage therapy. In these courses of study, students are taught about anatomy, kinesiology, physiology, and range of motion. Massage modalities that are offered through holistic healing classes encompass training in acupressure, deep tissue massage, sports massage, Swedish massage, touch therapy, medical massage, trigger point and countless other methodologies.

If earning your associates, bachelors, masters or doctorate is important to you then there are a number of holistic healing classes that are more advanced and comprehensive in nature. These holistic healing classes typically include practical and clinical instruction in chiropractic, naturopathy, Oriental medicine, orthomolecular medicine, and anti-aging and preventive medicine. In addition, professionals who have already attained some level of medical education will find that there are holistic healing classes in holistic nursing, holistic veterinarian and holistic M.D. programs.

There are several more holistic healing classes from which one can choose: some lesser known studies may include apitherapy (Bee products' therapy), animal therapy, bioenergetics, phytotherapy, naprapathy, Feldenkrais, Feng Shui, polarity therapy and many more.

If you (or someone you know) are interested in finding holistic healing classes, let career training within fast-growing industries like massage therapy, cosmetology, acupuncture, oriental medicine, Reiki, and others get you started! Explore career school programs near you.